You will learn in a relaxed way how to produce the finest coffees possible. We work towards competition levels and enjoy introducing you to the beautiful art of coffee.
We teach every day and our trainers are here to answer all your questions about coffee. We believe in learning at a relaxed pace and in an enjoyable way. That said, we aim for the highest standards and will introduce you to the most delicious coffees.
Rates start at R3,250 (inclusive VAT and materials). Please get in touch with us to arrange by emailing our training team at
From Coffee Enthusiasts to Seasoned Pros - we have a class for you
No experience required on this course. Here, you’ll learn all the basic but key skills required to churn out the perfect cup of espresso-based coffee.
This course will take you into a deeper level of understanding with all practical skills already learnt. Best for working baristas who are looking to hone their craft.
Investigating the scientific and managerial perspective of all types of coffee, you’ll need to have considerable experience as a barista to tackle this intensive course.
Drum Roll Please
In this course, you’ll gain insight into the broad-subject matter of roasting coffee and its process. Perfect for green beans and greenhorns.
A more elaborate understanding of the roasting process, roasting defects, heat control and how different kinds of heat transfer comes to play.
Roasting at it’s most advanced with the full understanding of physical, chemical and sensorial aspects of green and roasted coffee.
Perfect your milk steaming skills
The barista course is ideal for people who are just starting in coffee and know nothing about coffee except how to drink it. Yet the course will also be really helpful for baristas who have been making coffee for a while yet have never had training from us before.
We have trained many people who have been making coffee for years and felt they learnt so much during the course. The course is really good for anyone and a lot of fun too. During the training you will learn the most important essential barista skills. We will teach you what coffee is, how it grows and how it is harvested. We explain how coffee is roasted and we talk about freshness and packaging.
You will learn a lot about producing the finest espressos and we run you through the process step by step. This means you will learn how to calibrate a coffee grinder, how to use good dosing techniques, how to tamp the coffee and look for the perfect extraction.